2014年4月23日 星期三

LED light can payless (led燈省錢)

LEDs (light-emitting diodes) are energy saver than CFLs (compact fluorescent lights).  Consumers have the sense LEDs are more environmental friendly but they did not solid ideas what are their performance and difference.

Take a 60 watt bulb as an example:
l   Environment – LEDs are not filled with mercury.  CFLs have some mercury even steadily lowered.  Mercury is toxic to human and environment.  Both LEDs and CFLs are using surface mounted technology (SMT) printed circuit (PCB) electronics to generate light.  Two of them should under proper recycle wastage system to reduce breakage harmful to refill land.
l   Energy Consumption – LEDs use 6 – 8 watts per unit of light generated 800 lumens. CFLs use 13 – 15 watts per unit of light generated 800 lumens.  LEDs help reduce greenhouse gas emission of electricity plant and lower your electricity bills.
l   On/Off Switching – LEDs are instantly on/off cycling and no impact on life span. CFLs are taking time to light on/off and shorter its life span.
l   Operation – CFLs may not work under negative 10 degrees Frarenheit or over 120 degrees Frahrenheit.  LEDs are not sensitive to temperature.
l   Lifespan – LEDs average life could be 50,000 hours.  CFLs average life could be 8,000 hours.
l   Color Temperature – The measurement is called Kelvins abbreviated as ‘K’.  Both LEDs and CFLs have broader Kelvins compared to incandescent bulbs standard warm temperatures of around 2700K.  The common measurement of 2700K-3000K is warm, 3500K is neutral and over 3500K is cool light color in visual.

Energy Star, RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Directive) and WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive) are many countries guideline to treat the disposal of LEDs and CFLs.  There are many LEDs and CFLs produced on the world, it will take a period of time to standardize energy, health and safety and environment specifications of their produced lights.  We should start regulate the source where the producer to make ‘green’ and ‘health’ lights rather than government and users or consumers spending extra money to ‘clean’ them all at the end of supply chain.

